Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Baby Boy Jones

I just had to post something about the fact that Baby Boy Jones (AKA Andre Milo) came into the world this past Sunday, 10/29! We're so happy for the Joneseses and wanted to welcome little Milo to the world!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Very cool NY Times election guide (Flash)

Follow this link to get access to a pretty neat tool to get a high-level view of the current status in the various contested regions.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Food facts from Asia

Sign seen in the Taipei airport
The more common word used here would be "congee", which is a rice-based porridge. If the purpose in translating into English was to attract more western clientelle, then I would have to say that they have failed. This conjures images that are more Dickensian than epicurean...

Sign on the door of a McDonalds in Singapore
Feeling too lazy to hop in the car? Can't be bothered to roll off the couch and take a trek through the drive thru? Well...do we have some great news for you!!!

Strong Bull - Fear It or Love it?
This is the local equivalent of Red Bull. The effects are similar except that you don't get the jitters. Also, it tastes better and is easier to chug since it is not carbonated. There was apparently some sort of issue several years back where the bottles were contaminated, resulting in a recall; however, they have since recovered nicely and are supposedly cleaner than ever.


Saturday, October 14, 2006

More random wackiness from Taipei

I'm pretty sure that this is a band of some sort. I was just impressed by how naughty the poster was in such a public place (subway station).

11/1/06: Melanie pointed out that I'm on crack and that this photo was actually taken at the airport in Stuttgart, not Taipei...doh!

This is basically a crock pot - except that it's got a name a billion times better than crock pot cuz it's Supa Fine. Turns out this is a fairly common brand out here.
I have this scenario in my head of a tenacious young Taiwanese entrepreneur asking one of their American Negro in Taipei friends for suggestions on what to name his company, and getting this as the response.

Maybe he knew exactly how sweet this name is...maybe he didn't... Not that it matters. The name is tight, son! Supa Fine!

"Extra Fancy" bread sticks...

"Little Negro" branded congee

No - really

I'll take "Things That Won't Sell in the US" for $500, Alex

Melanie and I were wandering around a local bookstore when we ran across this product. Turns out these are just harmless pieces of colored artist's chalk, although I'm sure that the Department of Homeland Security would put this on their list of carry-on contraband if they ever caught wind of it.